Top BPM technologies analysis

One of the biggest challenges with the BPM market is working out which tools are capable of meeting the requirements of your business.  Although the term standardisation is thrown around often there is very little that is common between BPM platforms.  Selecting a BPM is a major undertaking.

One of the candidate BPM Tools
One of the candidate BPM Tools

In this blog I will talk about a detailed review I have performed that involved deep analysis of the top human centric commercial players along side a number of open source options to actually see which of this tools could meet the key requirements of a real world Enterprise Architecture.  Something the salesman for the commercial products were all nervous about. Continue reading “Top BPM technologies analysis”

Assessing the quality of a website

This blog is a starting guide, for business people, to help them get an understanding of whether their website is designed correctly.  It is not exhaustive but hopefully one in a series on this topic.

Note that this blog is my personal view, as are all my blogs, however they are based on nearly two decades of experience in the IT industry.

Although nearly every client I deal with has a need for a website it is interesting to observe that many of them do not have an understanding of whether their website is fundamentally “good”.

The problem is that most people are not familiar with what makes a website “good” or “bad”.  Some even believe that as long as it ticks all the boxes for what they wanted in a website then its a good website.  Some go by the wisdom of the HIPPO’s. (Highest Paid Person in the room’s Opinion) If they say it should have a purple background with yellow text then that’s the right way to build the website.  This is why we see a lot of websites talking about the technical details of a product which are hard to read and totally useless to consumers who simply are trying to find a solution to a problem or idea quickly and efficiently.

Continue reading “Assessing the quality of a website”

Adventures in Reverse Engineering a PhoneGap Mobile Application

After having studied and used the latest mobile application development framework, PhoneGap and found it architecturally lacking I decided to put on my ‘reverse engineering hat’ and see what I could find in terms of the security and quality of an application build using this framework.

The goal of this activity was simply to assess whether I could find any concerns on how PhoneGap was deployed in a working application by trying to pull apart a deployed application.

I was rather surprised at the findings which are discussed next in this blog.

Continue reading “Adventures in Reverse Engineering a PhoneGap Mobile Application”